Video news from Paraguay: fumigations, land struggle and the agro-export model.
Cover Video News ParaguayDuring the 2008-09 soy season, tension and conflicts increased in Paraguay. Within the new political context, social movements increased pressure for what they have been fighting for, especially land reform and food sovereignty. Changes were visible, such as the change in the direction of the national land reform institute, INDERT. Nevertheless repression and criminalisation of the campesino movement continues, as the violent evictions of land occupations and the assassination of campesino leader Bienvenido Melgarejo on October 4th prove.
An international team of LaSojaMata was filming and documenting various events during October 2009 and january 2009. The made video news, reflects this new political conjuncture and the seize of conflicts in Paraguay. The video reports are listed below and include testimonies on fumigations, land struggles and other relevant issues. A compilation DVD was made in Spanish. English, Dutch and German follow
*Video news on fumigations: testimonies, demands and resistance
*Video news on the soy model: Land use and soy expansion, land reform and alternatives
see also (in Dutch):