Solidarity Action for land ocupation of MAP in Parirí

We ask organizations to write personalized letters about the MAP ‘s situation to alert different Paraguayan institutions about the situation and pressure them to act. Letters are best written in Spanish, but English will work as well. Ideally, letters should be sent via email or fax to Paraguay and to the Paraguayan embassy in your country. It’s also important that a copy of the letter, with the names of the addresses, be sent to the MAP at, so that the organization can keep track of the support it is receiving.

Letters should demand:

  1. That the eviction of the camp in Pariri be stopped and that the land be definitively returned to those landless campesinos who are peacefully trying to recuperate it. The human and civil rights of the local population should be protected from the political and economic interests of powerful stakeholders in the area.
  2. That the INDERT (Paraguayan's land reform state agency) carry out an audit of the landholding in the community of Pariri, and that an investigation be carried out of the land conflict in Santa Clara and of the actions of the INDERT agent in Vaqueria.
  3. That an investigation be carried out for other campesino areas where land sales have fragmented the communities, and that a new titling
    process begin which will benefit the proper legal subjects of the Land Reform.
  4. That the necessary steps are taken to properly enforce existing Land Reform laws, whose proper beneficiaries are landless campesinos.
  5. That the charges against Jorge Galeano be dropped and that the government put an end to the campaign of criminalization and defamation of members of social organizations that are struggling to protect the
    economic, social and cultural rights of the rural and Indigenous population of Paraguay.

We are also suggesting that delegations of different organizations solicit an audience with Paraguayan embassies to question the actions of the Paraguayan government with respect to the rights of the campesino
and indigenous population.

The idea behind this initiative is to establish a better network of solidarity with the MAP and other campesino movements. We fear that the political instability of the country could get significantly worse and
wish to organize an international network now that is capable of responding quickly to situations as they develop.

To give your support to this proposal and collaborate with future solidarity actions, or if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the MAP at agrariopopular(at) (Spanish), or international
supporters of the movement at javierarulli(at), an(at) (in Holland), (in Canada).

Another way of supporting the movement is to help disseminate information about the situation in Paraguay, which can also be found in the following pages: (English) (English) (Spanish) (Spanish)

Addresses for letter-writing (emails and fax numbers)

1-INDERT - Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Rural y de la Tierra
Presidente Ing. Agr. Erico Ibáñez Ramírez
Fax: (595 21) 445 078

2- Fiscal General del Estado (Attorney General):
Rubén Candia Amarilla
Fax: (595 21) 415 5000 int 127

3-Defensoría del Pueblo (State Human Rights Commission).
Manuel María Páez Monges (Defensor del Pueblo)
Fax/Tel.: (595 21) 452 602/5

4- Ministerio del INTERIOR (Ministry of the Interior)
Ministro: Don Rogelio Raimundo Benítez Vargas
Fax: (595 21) 450 027
Fax: 595 21 493 872

5. Comisión de DDHH del Senado (Senate Human Rights Comission)
Presidenta: Ana María Juanita Mendoza de Acha
Fax: (595 21) 447 967

5-Comisión de Crisis Campesina del Senado (Senate Rural Crisis Commission)
Presidente: Enrique González Quintana

6-Comisión de Reforma Agraria del Senado (Senate Land Reform Commission)
Presidente: Ingeniero Geógrafo Herminio Chena Valdez

7- Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. (Ministry of Agriculture)
Ministro: Ingeniero Agrónomo Alfredo Molinas
Fax.: (595 21) 449 614

8- Poder Judicial (Supreme Court)
Ministra – Presidenta: Dra. Alicia Pucheta de Correa
Tel/fax (595 21) 426 207

9- Nicanor Duarte Frutos. (President of Paraguay)
Central Telefónica: + 595 21 4140200 (ask for fax tone)