Statements against the 3th RoundTable on Responsible Soy

Report critisizing third conference
Action against third conference
Statement from GRR against third conference
Protest at RTRS2 in ParaguayProtest at RTRS2 in ParaguayOver 200 organisations from North and South condemn Roundtable for Responsible Soy as 'corporate greenwash'. (See below for full list.)

Argentina: Soy Pesticide Dangers Ignored

Written by Marcela Valente

(IPS) The agriculture industry in Argentina is enjoying the boom in demand for soybeans and other commodities and the subsequent high prices, which are also fattening the state coffers. But the question of the unsafe handling of pesticides and fertilisers has basically been ignored amidst the collective euphoria.

According to the Secretariat of Agriculture, the latest harvest set a new record of nearly 95 million tons of grains, half of which were soybeans.

Response to next 'Responsible' soy meeting in Argentina: where monocultures exist there can be no sustainability!

Argentinian organisation GRR (Grupo de Reflexion Rural) responds to the responsible soy proposal and to the round tables held by agri-business and their collaborators.
This in reference to the next Round Table on 'responsible' soy held on the 23rd and 24th of April, 2008 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The conference's theme is "responsible soy: food, feed and fuel for a future world *

Paraguay: Campesino Families Block Fumigation of Soy Fields

truck arriving with riot cops to protect spraying tractortruck arriving with riot cops to protect spraying tractorReto Sonderegger: One hundred campesino residents were able to block the agrotoxic fumigation of a new soy field in the 4th line of the Ybypé community in the Lima district of the department of San Pedro.

Call for sign ups to US agrofuel moratorium

A group of U.S. NGOs is calling on other organisations worldwide to sign a “Call for an immediate moratorium on U.S. incentives for agrofuels, U.S. agroenergy monocultures and global trade in agrofuels”. The call was launched in December by Rainforest Action Network, Global Justice Ecology Project, Food First, Grassroots International, Family Farm Defenders and the Student Trade Justice Campaign. It coincides with the U.S.government approving the Renewable Fuel Standard – a target for a massive 36 billion gallons of biofuels by 2022, which will result in rainforest destruction,accelerated global warming, biodiversity losses, more soil erosion and more water pollution, as well as in the eviction of large numbers of small farmers,pastoralists and forest communities.

To sign the moratorium call, please go to

Junta Municipal de Asunción aprueba proyecto de Cargill y al mismo tiempo advierte sobre una posible catástrofe sanitaria.

Junta Municipal de Asunción aprueba proyecto de Cargill y al mismo tiempo advierte sobre una posible catástrofe sanitaria.

Aprueban el proyecto, pero ¡ojo! hay que avisar a la ciudadanía que se la está exponiendo a un desastre sanitario. ¿Es acaso esto una broma de mal gusto?

La Junta Municipal de Asunción aprobó un proyecto que según ellos mismos podría dejar sin agua potable por varios días a más de 1.100.000 personas. Lastimosamente no es una broma, es una bofetada más a la ciudadanía paraguaya de parte de sus supuestos representantes que en la función pública venden cada fragmento de dignidad y entereza moral, que algún día pudieron llegar a tener, al mejor postor.



Por culpa de las empresas multinacionales del primer mundo asociadas a los grandes sojeros brasileños en Paraguay ávidos de ganancia, incontrolados e incontrolables, perdió la vida el niño JESUS GIMENEZ, por los efectos de los agro tóxicos ante la total indiferencia de nuestra sociedad que mas bien se apresta a FARREAR EN NOMBRE DE JESUS y nuestro NIÑO JESUS GIMENEZ, por ser “pobre y paraguayo” ya no compartirá con su familia la NOCHE BUENA CRISTIANA... Su cuerpo envenenado fue traído a la capital el 19 de diciembre de 2007 en un rustico ataud para una supuesta investigación judicial debido a la presión de las organizaciones campesinas..

Action against agrochemicals in Paraguay

On December 3rd, various Paraguayan civil society organizations commemorated the international day against agrochemicals. They paraded through the capital city of Asunción and its suburbs to demand that various authorities fulfill their duties of controlling and regulating agrochemicals.

Three cases were presented to the Secretary of Environment, the Municipality of Asunción and the Ministery of Agriculture: first of all, the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals in Paraguay's rural areas, second the location of a chemical factory amidst an urban area in the city of Ñeemby and finally the construction of the Cargill company’s megaport in Asuncion's harbor.

Effects of soy expansion in Paraguay

Paraguayan Film Looks at Dark Side of South American Soy Production
ASUNCION, Paraguay, Nov. 8, 2007 -- (IPS/GIN), by David Vargas:
A sea of green stretches as far as the eye can see on both sides of the dirt road leading to the Paraguayan communities of Lima, Capiibary and Guayaib¡.The huge fields are planted with genetically modified soy, Paraguay's leading export product.
As it takes over more and more land, the crop is leaving sick people, displaced communities and trampled rights in its wake, according to the documentary "Soberan¡a violada," which means "Violation of Sovereignty."

El Glifosato no es inocente

Ante el inicio de la campaña de siembra de la soja 2007-2008, el Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza (CeProNat), reitera y advierte sobre el uso de agrotóxicos, especialmente el herbicida glifosato en sus distintas formulaciones o en combinación con otros venenos, conformando un cóctel sumamemnte peligroso y donde se potencia su efecto.

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